Lyrics, melody and chords in real book
format and video of "Regresando" (Returning)
In the extreme need to escape its own labyrinth,
in a futile effort to lear the so complex network of invented paths does not
lead anywhere, the human being returns to its roots in a search of its true
Disconcerted souls, the true magic lost in a world of ornamental magic, spirits
dazzled by millions of lights, computer windows, spirits captives by a cell
dementia ...are seeking an exit.
And in the midst of that avalanche of confused signals, which some bandits uses
to take advantage as commercial fetishes to enrich themselves, there are spirits
that in a slow way break the chains and get rid "to the real", to the only thing,
to the nature.
It's the human being reinvented itself, reborn, revaluing its environment. It's
the essence of the human being returning.